Friday, November 19, 2010


Every tick tack of the clock the day passes by
12 months make a year
 54 weeks make a year
365 days make a year
8760 hours make a year

Years come and go
It comes with many opportunities
But how many have grabbed theirs?
Some that are opportune misused the opportunity
Some make use of the opportunity wisely while others misused the opportunity they have.

Wasteful years
Although I have all the riches, fame, prestige…
Although I dine with well recognized dignitaries
I have the best cars and live in a large mansion
Although I have money to get all I need
Does it make me fulfill?
The answer is no because I am not working towards God purpose in my life.

We have live for many days, month, and years,
What are our achievements?
What can we boast of?
O! What a life after living I have no good things to account of
After spending all days, years, month…
I have no positive effect on people.
Neither have I affect a positive change to someone life
What a shame, after living and struggling in this world I spend the rest of my days in hell

Is life all about living extravagantly?
Is life all about making money and accumulating wealth for ourselves?
Is it all about the fame?
Is it about the pleasure?
Is it about the class of friends we keep?

What does life means to you?
What are you living for?
What is the purpose of your existence on earth?

The wealth I accumulated on earth, fame and prestige I have on earth are all this achievement,
Where are they taking me to?
What is my benefit if I have all this?
Are they going to be accounted in heaven as part of my good work?
They are all vanity
They are all going to perish

Living without wealth, fame, prestige… and be fulfilled is more valuable than all the treasures of the whole wide world
Everyday God has a plan for us.
Work according top his own plan so that your coming on earth will not be in vain.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


What can we do to make a great nation?
What can we do to stop all this evil we here everyday?
What can we do to build up this nation that is broken down?
What can we add to our nation that will make it have savor?

We have all live in hatred, jealousy, strife…
The heart has been occupied with wicked ambition which has lead to destruction of many souls.
Many have loss there life because we fail to love,
Many that we can reach out to, to show some love have been abandon.
They are been left to die and been humiliated.
Many have even sold out there own flesh and blood all because they fail to love

Love does not consider your personality
It doesn’t matter your spirituality
Neither your generosity
It does not rejoice in iniquity but in truth
Hatred stirred up strives but love covers all sins
It beareth all things, believe all things, hope all things and endure all things

Do you think you love that brother, sister, friends, husband, wife… when we fail to tell them there shortcoming
Open rebuke is better than secret love…
Don’t wait until he /she is falling to the pit

We are made for each other
We can’t do it all alone
We are to speak in synchronization
As the head can’t do without the body, so is man. We can’t do without one another
As the popular adage “united we stand divided we fall”

Love the greatest commandment
With it we can rebuild the nations that was broken
With it we can attain any height of any mountain and reach any depth of any sea that seems impossible for men.
With it light will come forth and the glory of the lord shall reign upon men

Let brotherly love continue among us
Let us keep all the shades of sin aside and focus on our destination in life
To love one another is our duty and responsibilities
For where love exist great things happens.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Your age, size, height, race, sex, etc. does not disqualify you to recreate you nation.
It doesn’t matter where you come from or your personality.
It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor.
All that matters is your heart, your dream, vision and determination to recreate.

It’s in you.
Don’t say you can’t, you can!
He has given you the wisdom and knowledge to go about recreating your world.
All you just need is to ask from him and he will supply it to you with the measure you want.

The problem we have is that we limit ourselves to what we can do.
When the word “I can’t” come into the picture we lost concentration and focus.
When trials come we feel that God is not on our side any longer.
We lose focus and engage our self on things that we are not meant for.
Our focus is not to recreate any longer but to accumulate wealth.

As a result of our negligence many has loose hope and fallen to the other side.
Many have to suffer because we do not accept our fate.
We allow the weak to become weaker, the poor to become poorer.
We allow corruption to take over the nation.
All because we fail to accept that we can make a difference.

You can beat them so don’t join them.
You can be a hero in this generation.
You are not to be conquered, but to conquer
You are destiny to be a winner and not a looser
You are made for this.   TO RECREATE

“I can’t ”  are the words of failure.

Friday, September 17, 2010


O what a life.
Tears of the young ones crying.
No place they can lay there head
No food, no water to drink.
They are been starved to death.
There waters are been polluted.
And no one care about there welfare

They are being exposed to bad influence.
They are deprived from their right.
They have no say in the community they live.
Even if they speak who will listen to them.

They are been sent out as a ram to be slaughter.
They are sent on an errand that will make them loose their life.
They do all this because that is all they think they can do to earn a living.

We should not fold our hands and be molest.
We need to rise to put things right.
We can’t fold our hands and watch our own flesh and blood die for hunger and starvation
Nor are we going to keep on killing ourselves for matters that we don’t even know about
Who is next on the line die?

My friends a better tomorrow is not in the hands of our leaders.
We can make a change in our generation.
The change need to start from us.

Don’t say you can’t.
The broken wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt by a cup bearer.
The Israelite where molested by an uncircumcised philistine, but it was a ruddy shepherd that came to rescue them from that shame and disgrace.

You too can rebuild the broken wall of you nation
It doesn’t matter your size, race, age, hight etc.
Your determination matters a lot.
Arise, wake up from your slumber because the time is now. 


Get words that will inspire you to read the bible, from great author.

  • Bibles laid open, millions of surprises.

  • Most wondrous book! bright candle of the Lord! Star of Eternity! The only star By which the bark of man could navigate The sea of life, and gain the coast of bliss Securely. Author: Robert Pollok 

  • Within that awful volume lies The mystery of mysteries! Happiest they of human race, To whom God has granted grace To read, to fear, to hope, to pray, To lift the latch, and force the way: And better had they ne'er been born, Who read to doubt, or read to scorn.     Author: Sir Walter Scott 

  • But Thy good word informs my soul How I may climb to heaven.        Author: Isaac Watts 

  •  But Thy good word informs my soul How I may climb to heaven.     Author: Isaac Watts 

  •  The Bible is a book of faith, and a book of doctrine, and a book of morals, and a book of religion, of especial revelation from God.          Author: Daniel Webster 

  • We search the world for truth; we cull The good, the pure, the beautiful, From all old flower fields of the soul; And, weary seeker of the best, We come back laden from out quest, To find that all the sages said Is in the Book our mothers read.          Author: John Greenleaf Whittier 

  •       Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

                Author: Bible 

  • I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.  Author: Bible

  • And that the Scriptures, though not everywhere Free from corruption, or entire, or clear, Are uncorrupt, sufficient, clear, entire In all things which our needful faith require.   Author: John Dryden 

  • The word of God is the only thing that we can read to get wisdom to recreate.

  • In the bible you will see great men who recreate their nation, men with vision and dreams Men that are willing to do all to see that there nation is protect from evil.

        Read the bible and get more wisdom to recreate.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You Are Specially Made.

We don’t need to keep on deceiving ourselves if we want a change we ought to live right. We ought to remember that we are created by God and for a purpose. we didn’t just fall down from the skies like a raindrop but we are specially made by him. He take his time to created man he didn’t just speak the word as he did to other things he created but he made man with his own hands he take time to mould man to beautify man and make man a living  being.

Why Is Man So Special?

Looking at it from this point of view. Man was not the only living thing God created he created different kind of terrestrial and aquatic animals just by his spoken word. But in the case of man he decide to make them with his own hands.

After the creation of all other things it was agreed in heaven that they should make man. Not just creating something that has not been in existence but something that has been in existence. Someone that look like the heavenly bodies. Some one that they can call there own. But man miss use the opportunity given to them because of sin.

Man was created to nurture the earth. Because after he created man he made man to have dominion over everything he has made, giving them power to rule over every beast, cattle, plant, etc.  Because he trusted and love what he made with his own hands.

After he created man God have to plant a garden in Eden specially for man. But still yet man was not satisfied with all the things that he was given he still went to eat the forbidden fruit that was not meant to be eaten.

Since then the world have not experience peace but disasters, conflict, war, famine. etc.

Many blame Adam and Eve and see them as the cause of there predicament. Not knowing that they are the cause of there misfortune. The only way we can change this is to go back to our father and ask him for forgiveness and direction and he will lead you and  use you to recreate and change your world.

We can change the history and turn things around if we can decide to do the right thing by serving God with a sincere heart. That is the only thing he need from us. To serve with a sincere heart.