Thursday, June 20, 2013


Have you been in a condition where a holder of an account made you the drawer as well as the payee of a cheque? Can this be possible? If it is, how will you react when you are given such kind of opportunity or what will be the first thought in your mind. Sound so unusual and rare in this part of the world we are but do you know we all are given this rare opportunity but we hardly see it or get to know about it because we are not that close to the holder of the account.

 A blank cheque is an unconditional order written by the payee to pay on demand by the drawee not withstanding the content written on the cheque. When you are given a blank cheque you input the value and number of figure you desire to have in the cheque. The choice is yours to make because no one is allowed to persuade or intimidate you in making your decision. How generous and wealthy is such a one who decide to show this kindness to you, is going to be a life time of remembrances and a story to tell but is it going to be a life time of joy?

Who can be this cheerful giver that is willing to give us all our want not minding how burdensome or heavy our load may be. Remember what Jesus said “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” Matthew 7 vs. 7 .. There was no extra clause that make provision to limit your want when you ask from him but boldly he said “For every one that ask receive; and he that seek find; and to him that knock it shall be opened.” Matthew 7 vs 8. Simply he has all it takes to provide for all the need of all human. What do you expected from the creator of the universe, all we are in need of are in his hands we just need to ask. The blank cheque has been open ask something tangible that will be helpful to you to saddle your destiny to the point of fulfillment.

Despite it is a blank cheque opens to everyone but there are some standard you must attain before you can be award this cheque. Do you remember the quest of Elisha when Elijah was to be taken by a whirlwind what happen? (See 2nd kings chapter 2 for more study )He need to press forward despite the discouragement from his master and other fellow prophet but he never listen to there word but press on because he was expecting something great form his master. A man who is need is never mindful of the length of the journey but his greatest concern is to get to his destination. Do you know the distance Elisha has to walk with his master from Gilgal to Jordan on foot? This young prophet was never concern about the distance or take heed of what other prophet said to him to discourage him from following his master but took one boldest step that change the level of who he is was and what men knew him for to a man who has meet with divine destiny.

The Border of Decision
And Elijah said unto him, Tarry, I pray thee, here; for the LORD hath sent me to Jordan. And he said, As the LORD live, and as thy soul live, I will not leave thee. And they two went on. And fifty men of the sons of the prophets went, and stood to view afar off: and they two stood by Jordan. And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground. 2nd kings 2 vs. 7-8

Your true strength will be known at the point of decision on crucial issues affecting your presence and your tomorrow. Scriptures said at JORDAN. I think that was a risky decision Elisha took because he knew that was the point his master will be cut off with humanity.  it was a point where boys were separated from men and those with a persistence spirit continue the journey and the weak says good bye. Elisha don’t  want a farewell greetings from his master as the other sons of the prophet did but still follow the master on the quest despite he knows that that was the end. He saw the obstacle of the river Jordan but still went on with his master, he was brave and courageous knowing full well that his mission is about to be accomplish because when the going get tough your blessing is around the corner. Elisha cross the Jordan with his master and when they got to a point Elijah knew that this young prophet journey with him for a cause. see what the scriptures  said “And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee…(2nd kings 2 vs. 9)” that was a blank cheque open to this young prophet, his mission was about to be completed. What would have happen if he stopped at Jordan and followed the crowd to say good bye good master, all effort would have been in vain from Gilgal to Jordan. You don’t need t stop when the going get tough for you to achieve something great you have to do something extra ordinary and the extra thing you need is just a little push, what differentiate ordinary from extra ordinary is just a little push you add to it just like Elisha. while others where busy telling Elijah we will miss you, o you are just so great to leave us, remember us when you get there, and stuff like that,  Elisha was busy waiting for the next move of his master so that his mission can be accomplish. Don’t be satisfy at a point make a move to carry on with your journey it may be the last move you can make to get what you so desire for.

When you get the link of this blank cheque what will you ask for? Or will you insert uncountable number of zeros to satisfy all your material wants or will you be conscious of what you ask or pity the holder of the account so that it wont appear you are greedy or so wicked that you want to take advantage of the opportunity he has given to you. Let’s learn from Elisha once more. When Elijah ask him tell me what you want, he knew that his request must be something tangible, because he will never have such opportunity again  and do you know what he ask? He said, “…I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.(2nd king 2 vs 9b)” something difficult to ask for, something scare in the human race, something that can’t be purchase in the human race. He wants to be like his master but want to operate on a higher level than his master because he knew the task ahead of him. Do you mean that Elisha have to pass through those stress for just a double portion of his master anointing? Am so amaze. Let’s also consider the story line of Solomon. When he gave a thousand burnt offerings to GOD (the extra ordinary or uncommon sacrifice as you may say 1st king 3 vs. 1-14), God appeared to him and said “…ask what I shall give thee.( 1king 3 vs. 5b). and do you know what this young king said Lord I need “WISDOM”  to rule your people. Can he be so serious to ask for just one thing from the master “WISDOM” and you may say what does it need wisdom for when he have adviser and elders to counsel him on any matter that arises.

If you study hard you will found out that the request they made was on issue relating to fulfill there destiny. Elisha was a prophet and for him to fulfill his purpose and mission of been a prophet on earth he need the anointing, likewise Solomon he is the king of Israel and the only way he need to become successful to rule the people is applying wisdom in all is doing in order to discern between good and evil. Looking closely you will discover there request was base on there future challenges. They know deep well that in dealing with men you need to have something unique you have to give out to the world that will be able to command respect and integrity. That was why they ask for just simple but difficulty things in there cheque and what they request for make them a star in the fulfillment of there mission on earth. There request brought other benefit to them, even in this present age there is none to be compare wit them.
Below are some of the guideline that will help you in making a better choice to fill in the blank cheque
·         Know your mission on earth
·         Ask according to your mission on earth
·         Forecast the future
·         Know the kind of people you have to relate with in fulfilling your destiny
·         Ask for something that will distinguish you from other personality,  something unique
·         Don’t attach materialistic in the cheque you are given
·         Be the man of the people and don’t be selfish in your request
Cross the path beyond Jordan to take what belongs to you. Don’t aim small aim big because he is ready to give unto you what you request for. Don’t limit HIS ability.

Do you know that we all have the same opportunity of Solomon and Elisha ask how… Jesus said “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” Matthew 7vs. 7. What do you need to hear again when he said you should ask; He didn’t say limit your request but gave an open forum for us to ask anything we desire and it shall come to manifestation see Matthew 7 vs. 8. Why cant you start asking something tangible now, something that will make him see you as a wise man who is ready to build on a solid foundation. Do you think there we still have more days to ask see what he said in John 16 vs. 23 “ And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.” He said in that day you shall not make request which day is that I think the day we have to meet with him. The only time we have to make our request is now  so start asking, don’t be shy to meet him, seek his face because he just want to hear from you that is just it. Your voice count because nobody is allowed to make your request for you.

For you to receive from a righteous God you must be righteous. You can’t receive from him when you still dwell in sin and swim in the mud of sin. No it can’t work like that because he said be he holy as your father in heaven is holy. Holiness is the pathway of a blank cheque


It takes few things to stand out from the crowd. The bible mention an issue in mark 5 vs 25-30.. of a woman with an infirmity for 12 years and have suffer a lot of humiliation and disappoint from physicians and false prophet in search for miracle of healing unto no avail... Lets consider this very passage with the Christians of today. We found out that so many in search of  miracle has fallen into the wrongs hands of those who acclaim to have solution to there problem, instead of finding an antidote to the problem they add to what we are experience. Is a typical example of the people of the world today. The bible said for 12 years she was seeking for solution where there was not, finding a healer in a strange world and not seeking for God who is the healer of all infirmities.

At a point when she find the true God there was a big contest because everyone want to receive a touch from Him (JESUS), they need to be impacted, they need to tap from the anointing… the bible says they where crowd, in mark 5 vs 24…. “much people followed him and they throng Him” but something makes a difference in the history of this woman despite the crowd, weakness and challenges of having an encounter with the master she stood on her ground and have just a little faith as a mustard seed  saying if only I can touch the hem of his garment I will be made hold…she was not struggling to see him physically but to get connected with him spiritually. She knew that by touching of Jesus garment she has seen him and that will bring an end to this 12 years of sorrows and pains.

For you to move out from the crowd you need to do something unusual and extraordinary except you want to still remain in the crowd where everyone want to meet the master you may be the hundredth person on the queue no one knows if it can be more than that. Get it straight salvation will not wait for you on your door post but you need to make a move to get it. Lets see someone who standout from the crowd again. “Zacchaeus” despite his stature and physical challenges he made a step forward doing something beyond human imagination just to see Jesus because he knew that Jesus will never meet him or see him in the crowd that was why he have to climb up on a tree so that his presence will be made known to the master and just one bold step brought salvation to his home( luke 19 vs. 2-10) … it can be yours who knows?

Do you want to give excuse of your deformity? Listen in the dictionary of God there is no excuse. So if you remain where you are it means you are the major cause of your stagnant position. Blind Bartimaeus despite he was blind in the midst of the crowd cried to Jesus for mercy, that was when he got Jesus attention and receive his healing (Mark 10 vs. 46-52). If you have been in the crowd you need to stand out and take forth what is rightly yours.  

Do you still wait in the crowd? Come out from the crowd just as the woman with infirmity did and get your long awaiting answers to your plea. Zacchaeus never allow his nature to deprive him from his salvation, Blind Bartimaeus never allow his absence of sight to stop him from calling Jesus for help at that point he has the opportunity to do so, you don’t need to relent because Miracle still happens, he is still the God that performs great signs, yours cant be an exceptional all you need is to make a move. Just one move can change the story of life. Jesus is still the same, yesterday, today and forever. Remain bless in Jesus name. AMEN


What remains constant in life is change, no man is free from change because change comes from our everyday interaction and living as an individual. But the question is how does our change comes? does our change have a positive effect to the society we live? Can it change people from whom they are to become better persons and qualify citizen of the heavenly throne? This are some questions we need to ask our self before we effect a change.

The bible says in 2cor 5 vs 17 kjv “17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  Change can only come when we have an encounter with the man of Calvary who came to redeem us from the law of sin through the costless price on Calvary (Titus  2 Vs 14, Gal 4 Vs 5). And giving us an everlasting covenant of a new life. 

The word “if any man”, simply means that there is no restriction of the category of people that can enjoy this great privilege of a positive change. It is an open forum calling all individual who desire change to tap from the only source that can add value to life, because life is not worth living when we cant add value to the people around us or the place where we are.

We need this transformation in every area of life because we cant effect a change or make a difference in the grave, no sir/ ma that was why Job cry to his maker for a change see what he said  If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come... Job 14 vs 14 – 15. His waiting was not on man nor his confidence base on man but he was waiting on God and in God for this change because he knew that nothing is profitable on earth without Him (GOD)

We need to be somewhere with someone to make a change. That is to be in Christ Jesus. He has the power to cause a change spiritually, mentally, financially and make us become a new man or woman. A change depends on us if we accept the invitation and to let go our old life, old thought, old doing. Letting go of our pass ways and bringing all things in us to become new. so you have to make this change a reality in your life that will affect your family, community, state and the nation. Let there be a change that heaven will celebrate you as a person, no matter your pass let the change make you a better person. Run unto Jesus he is waiting for you to make a positive change.

Friday, February 8, 2013



too late! too late!! too late!!!
i wish i have heard the word of the preacher
i wish i have listen to my mama
what about the word of that old beggar beside my house who told me about these danger ahead...
is just too late

i wish the hand of the clock can be reversed
i wish i can go into my past and correct the errors that was made
i wish there was just one minute opportunity for a change before this time
how i wish i can go back to my past
but is too late... too late....too late to do so.

can someone share this message of glad tiding to me
am thirsty and hungry of the word
who can come and quench my thirst...
if i had known i could  have listen to that preacher who was passing by my path that cool Monday.
he said  "friend Jesus loves you for who you are and really need you in his vineyard"
if only i could listen then i wont have been in this mess 
but is too late to cry....

i can also remember the wasted time i spent with my pals when i was a youth
if i had spend those time to spread the gospel i would have an inheritance
but my friends deceive me and blindfolded my eyes with decorated empty vessel of the world
they told me life is all about enjoyment i can strongly quote the word "live and enjoy now that you are alive..."
not knowing that i was a gradual process to destroy my life, and i was gradually destroying the tiles i have with the creator of the universe
i wish i had listen to that friend of mine who once said " there is greater gain when you are in Christ"
but too late .... too late....  too late to cry...

Had i known....
is this the right word to say in this my present situation?
some says if i knew the outcome i wouldn't have indulge in the act. but the sincere truth is that we no about all this, because we are warned by so many and even the spirit in us forewarn us about the danger ahead but we stubbornly move ahead with the careless choice of living. Remember! no one push you to sin, you made the choice to do it and for every choice made in life there is always is always a price tag to it.

we have made differs choices and our choices in life  might have result to an unspeakable end in which many are regretting of there mistakes, but  some are still walking to the path where others fail. Be wise in your choice and decision because your choice and decision have great role to play in your life. Had i known is a statement made by those who knew the right and choose the wrong. be wise because you have a lot to loose when you choose the wrong from the right....


Life has been affairs of great combat which can be refer as: The Survival of The Fittest, only the strong and mighty can withstand the test of time. What about the weak?  Was there no provision for them to make it to the top? Are the rich meant to become richer and the poor poorer? Are we in an economy system that man need to strive hard to get what they want? Many question ponders our heart without an answer because despite the struggle so many work as elephant and eat as ant. They struggle on other people venture, working tirelessly day and night to meet up the demand of there employee in there various place of work in returns of peanut. Young scholars who have a bright and promising future are not an exceptional because soon they will be out in the labor market searching for non-existing paid employment. should men continue in
this hard and unfruitful labour which they call life?

In attempt to meet the demands of life some individual engage themselves in illicit  jobs that are abominable to the human race, many don’t care to know the source or struggle of ones success but are interested of the baseless success story. Does such life count in the human race? Men will say lets do anything to survive after all who cares? A wrong motive to the theory of life because everything you do on this life count.

What can we do to succeed without rubbing our hands in the mud? Should we keep on the struggle or follow the crowds in their wicked and abominable way to get to the top? Or what can be the right way to success. The starting point of success is self discovery, when you discover whom you are you work less and disengaged yourself in some unprofitable venture because you now have a focus of where you are heading too, have a direction to your path of success and know the basic requirement you need to get to the top. So many keep on revolving on the same point because they fail to discover to uncover i.e.  getting to know the secret behind their success.

A man who fail to discover his purpose of existence still wander about the earth with fruitless labour. Stop laboring in vain. Discover to Recover so that you will be Transformed and become Reformed.